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3 - Node.js Example

In this section we will listen to Kafka events and pipe them to commandline process stdout.


  • Basic understanding of Node.js.
  • Local installation of Node 16.
  • A Ditto application syncing with the Big Peer on the Ditto Portal that is on a dedicated cluster.

Code Sample

See the github repository for example code to connect a Node.js instance to the Ditto Big peer as a Kafka sink to MongoDB.

Converting Certificates to the proper formats

First, you must download the proper Kafka certficiates and convert them to the format required by SSL via Node.js.

kafka credentials

Convert the .p12 files to the required user.key, cluster.crt, and user.crt files. When propmted, use the appropriate cluster certficiate password or user password as described in the portal.

❯ openssl pkcs12 -in cluster.p12 -out cluster.crt.pem -nokeys❯ openssl x509 -in cluster.crt.pem -out cluster.crt❯ openssl pkcs12 -in user.p12 -out user.crt -clcerts❯ openssl pkcs12 -in user.p12 -out user.key.pem -nocerts❯ openssl pkey -in user.key.pem -out user.key

Decoding transactions

All messages from the Ditto CDC are sent to your Kafka sink as JSON. First, you must decode the transaction as JSON.

try {    const transaction = JSON.parse(message.value!.toString())    parseTransaction(database, transaction).then(() => {        // Success!    }).catch(err => {        console.error('[ERROR] Got error when parsing transaction', err)    })} catch (err) {    console.error("[ERROR]: Failed to parse change", change)}

Checking transaction.type

Each transaction has a type -- Ditto has two types, requeryRequired and documentChanged.

async function parseTransaction (database: Db, transaction: DittoTransaction) {  const collectionName = transaction.collection  const collection = database.collection(collectionName);
  switch (transaction.type) {    case 'requeryRequired':        onRequeryRequired()      return;    case 'documentChanged':        onDocumentChanged()    default:       break;  }}

Parsing documentChanged events

For the onDocumentChanged function, we will parse the event into one of three possible types: Insert, Update, and Remove

Inserting a new document

When change.oldValue is equal to null, that means that a new document was inserted into the database.

if (transaction.change.method === 'update' && transaction.change.oldValue === null) {  let change: DittoInsert = transaction.change  const result = await collection.insertOne(change.newValue);  console.log(   `A document was inserted with the _id: ${result.insertedId}`,  );}

Updating an existing document

If change.oldValue has a value, that means that a document with the corresponding _id was updated to the value indicated in change.newValue.

if (transaction.change.method === 'upsert' && oldValue !== null) {    let change: DittoUpdate = transaction.change    const _id = change.oldValue._id    const filter = { _id };    const result = await collection.replaceOne(filter, change.newValue, {upsert: true});    console.log(        `${result.matchedCount} document(s) matched the filter, updated ${result.modifiedCount} document(s)`,    );}

Removing a document

When change.method is equal to "remove", then the document has been deleted from Ditto.

if (transaction.change.method === 'remove') {    let change: DittoRemove = transaction.change    const _id = transaction.change.value._id    const filter = { _id };    const result = await collection.deleteOne(filter)    console.log(    `${result.deletedCount} document(s) matched the filter`,    );}

Parsing requeryRequired event

Send an HTTP request to tell the Ditto Big Peer to catch up to the given transaction id as part of transaction.txnId and the given collection.

Your HTTP Endpoint will look like https://${APP_ID}

function onRequeryRequired (database: Db, transaction: DittoRequeryRequired) {  const HTTP_ENDPOINT = httpEndpoint + '/api/v3/store/find'  for (const requeryDoc of transaction.documents) {    const req = {      method: 'post',      url: HTTP_ENDPOINT,      headers: {        'Content-Type': 'application/json',        'X-DITTO-TXN-ID': transaction.txnId      },       data: {        "collection": transaction,        "query": "true",        "limit": 1      }    }
    axios(req).then(function (response) {      if ( {        // ERROR      } else {        for (const doc of {          // Insert updated docs          const mongodbCollection = database.collection(requeryDoc.collectionName);          let missingDocument = doc as DittoHTTPDocument           mongodbCollection.replaceOne({_id:}, missingDocument)        }      }    }).catch(err => {      console.error(`[ERROR]: HTTP find request ${req}`)      console.error(err)    });}

Code Sample

See the github repository for the full example Node.js code.

New and Improved Docs

Ditto has a new documentation site at This legacy site is preserved for historical reference, but its content is not guaranteed to be up to date or accurate.